By Bill Lawrence
President of Leader Formation International
My name is John, and I was once the youngest of the Apostles whom Jesus chose to be with Him from Galilee to Jerusalem for nearly three years, but now I’m the oldest of His men, just over ninety, the only one left after the cross. However, I am still able to communicate His truth and make Him known and write about Him. I have already written three short letters, now known to you as I, II, and III John, and I am also writing the Gospel of John, though it’s different from the other three Gospels, as you know. They were biograhies, all very accurate and uncommonly well done,but mine is focused on a set of signs and I want you to know that I remember very well and that I taught about in Jerusalem, Roman Asia, and now in Ephesus. I have just written them and now I am focused on our last night together when we were in the Upper Room as we gathered in Jerusalem and I am communicating about the cross, the resurrection, and our Lord’s commission.
Published on Mar 05 @ 12:13 AM CDT
Live in Time to Prepare for Eternity
By Bill Lawrence - President Leader Formation International
John 13:1-30
How do you respond when you face unexpected, overwhelming, unwanted situations, and you don’t have any one you can share it with?
You truly don’t desire it even though you have known about it for some time. You could tell the people around you about it since you are their leader and they follow you gladly. You recruited them, and they have left life as they knew to come after you and follow you faithfully, going wherever you have led them and done wherever you wanted them to do. Yet they could never understand what you must go through even if you told them. You will try one more time to find out if you must do it from those who share the situation with you. Even though you know the answer—after all, the three of you—your two other peers and you—have talked it through, and you know fully that what you must do is the only way you can accomplish what you want the profound changes you want to make. Still, it is so overwhelming that you must ask one more time if there is some other way to accomplish your deepest desire.
You really are driven to achieve your aim. You do want it. All of your longings matter and your greatest demands depend on your action.
But it’s so costly. And it brings so much pain to you in every way.
However, before you can ask about avoiding it one more time, there is much you have to say to your team. They will share your struggle in a very deep way. All will be at the core of their lives, the very essence of how they live, where they live, even if they live. How can they possibly do this? Only if they are radically, totally committed. There is much you must teach them to prepare them and make them ready to stand with you and be for you. This night—this utterly unexpected night—is the night that will make the difference in their lives.
We turn now to a man who tells us about someone who faced this exact situation. His name was John and he raises a question with us. Can you be like the ancient man, John, the disciple, apostle, and follower of Jesus, once the youngest of the twelve, but now, as he writes about that night he is the oldest, just past ninety, an elder in Ephesus, who decided to write a fourth Gospel, one that is different from the other three.
They were all a form of biography for different but definite readers. Matthew for Jews in Jerusalem and Galilee, Mark probably for Gentiles in Rome who were being persecuted, and Luke, the medical doctor and scientist of his day, a researcher who wrote for both Jews and Gentiles to convince them that Jesus is Lord, YAHWEH Himself, in the flesh.
For John that was not enough. There were seven signs that the believers in Ephesus and Asia and the church scattered throughout the Roman Empire needed to know about. Beyond the seven signs there was a more complete record of the Utter Room and the arrest and the illegal trial and conviction and resurrection and His final commission that believers needed, so John chose to write about all of this.
Thus we come upon John as he described Jesus on His last night and we can grasp His heart as He acts on His knowledge. He was acting in light of His knowledge. His awareness of what He faced takes Him right into His heart and His deep love for His men, even the traitor. How amazing! He even loved His traitor, Judas! There was also His awareness that everything was in His hands—the nails that would be there for you and me—that caused Him to reveal His deepest humility: as a slave He washed their feet.
It was after He washed their feet that John revealed to us the point of what Jesus was making when He said, a slave is not greater than his master . . . We are slaves and Jesus the Slave tells us He is I AM and we receive Him as our Lord Slave Master.
Now, finally He identifies the one who did everything to reach and redeem all before the cross, the one who had appeared to be His but whose true master is now evident. The evil one was his true master. That is why Jesus said, What you do, do quickly!
So now I go back to where I started
Whatever it is, the question demands an answer. How do you respond?
Can you put off getting the answer for a block of time as Jesus did when He dealt with a very emotional time when He sent His betrayer on his way to do his evil while He teaches the faithful eleven the Upper Room Discourse? Instead of getting the answer He seeks, He waits until He is in Gethsemane, and instead He teaches them and tells us how to live while we carry out His commission.
One of the most amazing truths Jesus declares is that He is I AM, the great YAHWEH, the ultimate creator of all that is. He who said Let there be light has become Light in us. How can that be? Yet in John 13 He emphasizes it as He wants us to be aware that He acts through us and accomplishes His purposes through us. Nothing could be greater!
In those times when we face overwhelming struggles and have questions without answers we have Jesus, the Lord who faced the very same situations and knows how we must live until we can get an answer. Even when we face a traitor He is with us and knows how to trust the One who is with us.
The Upper Room Discourse is our Lord’s way of life as we accomplish His commission and prepare time for eternity when we live as YAHWEH intended Man to live when He created us in Genesis 1-2. We are on our way as we obey our Lord’s word and live as He wants us to live. You see
We are alive in time as we prepare for eternity.
Published on Feb 20 @ 6:08 AM CDT
Heart Break Corner
By Bill Lawrence - President of Leader Formation International
There are times when I find myself in Heart Break Corner, the very deepest part of my being.
All leaders must find themselves here because we cannot be ourselves without forming our identities through the struggles and pain that comes through this hurt.
Published on Aug 28 @ 9:24 AM CDT

by Bill Lawrence, President of Leader Formation International
Have you ever thought of what it takes to become God’s kind of leader? I mean a truly great leader, a leader with an intense relationship with God, a leader who trusts God when it makes no sense to trust anyone let along God, except that He keeps His word when you can’t see how He’s doing it. Let’s say you become a leader like Abram who became Abraham when trusting God made no sense at all. He’s often like that, you know. He makes no sense. His promise is strange at best.
Published on Aug 16 @ 12:30 AM CDT

by Bill Lawrence - President of Leader Formation International
O, LORD, our Lord,
How majestic is your name in all the earth
Psalm 8:1
There is much that we know about God—all the Old Testament writers, the Gospels, the epistles, the Revelation of Jesus—tell us about God, yet there is so much that we do not know in our relationship with the LORD God because many of us don’t know Him personally in the same way David did. Many of us do not know YAHWEH intimately as David knew Him as a shepherd when he walked through the meadows and along the streams and in the canyons and over the hills near Bethlehem, or as he lay on the plains during the dark nights and through the brilliant dawns or in the beautiful sunsets. In those moments he heard the howling of the wolves, the roaring of the lions and the growling of the bears. Still, consider what it is like when we sense His presence with us as He reaches out to us and wants us to know Him in the deepest way possible. Oh, how great that is!
Published on Jun 16 @ 7:33 PM CDT